Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Free time has its moments....

I have found myself with some extra free time recently, I should be seeking employment but I am also enjoying the fact that I can catch up on a thing or two.  Like writing in my

I don't really consider myself a blogger but I do have a lot to say and very people who are willing to listen - so making this diary of verbal vomit public is kinda fun.  I started thinking about the people who seem to have a lot of free time and I wonder what they do with it.  I personally was considering cleaning out my office, then my kids rooms, moving over to the laundry room and just starting to declutter the house, my life, my world.  Then I looked at the hugeness of that job and changed my mind - saw the computer calling me and good ole FB was there.  It is so easy to be distracted when we want to be.  I haven't had the luxury of having a lot of free time in my life.  I have worked shift work, made some people, moved a few times and just busy keeping my head above most people I am thinking.  I am not really interested in decluttering today (mostly cuz I have a sore back - worse than usual) but am interested in pondering the idea of free time.  I loosely use the phrase "too much free time" when there are things in this world that aren't really looking to positive.  When people do stupid things (in my opinion - I percieve the world a little too black and white sometimes) that cause the discomfort of others or themselves - like standing in line to spend your money on tickets to some show or event.  I don't know who invented that but I seriously get offended that people expect me to stand in line for something that they should be making it comfortable for having the privelage of getting my money.  We look at things like this and take them for granted, not really realizing how much time we actually waste on things that are not relative to the progression of life.  We can create our own experiences and make it possible for the excitement of what ever that event can give you in other ways.  I also find it very interesting & confusing at the same time this fascination that people have with boxing day sales.  I have never really bothered with them because the flyers do nothing to convince me that it is worth my time to save a couple of hundred dollars when, because of how I value my time, I can wait an extra couple of weeks and know for darn sure that those items will be reduced even further and so there is no point.  I enjoy the "HOT DEALS" commercial where there is a dude that is teaching another dude the value of waiting - and that even at the "last minute" the deals are even better.  People seem to anticipate that there is some sort of urgency to an impending shortage of something...oddly enough we don't do that with food or water.  We don't treat our planet or other human beings with same urgency as a hot ticket sale, boxing day sale or what ever.  Our health and financial well being is not at the forefront of the urgency of long term care and wellness.  We are a society of right now pay later.  Drives me bonkers.  I was trying to buy something via telephone for my computer the other day (I have a proprietary lap top) and I don't have a credit card at the moment - I was trying to buy the thing COD.  They don't do that anymore - anywhere. is probably more reliable and definately easier to budget for than a credit card and interest payments.  Anyway...that was a weird tangent.  Free time is great because it invokes thought and process...we don't all really like what it produces at times...I am fairly frank with how I feel about a lot of things in this life...I am not at all interested in excuses and I feel so bad when I feel like I am making one about my situation - whatever it may be percieved to be.  Larry Winget says that life doesn't have to be difficult if we just follow the simple rules that were laid out for humanity at the beginning of time (I use that phrase loosely) - keep it simple.  They are fair and about integrity - not lying to ourselves about what we may or may not be entitled too.  I have considered writing a series of books on common sense stuff...but I realized it wouldn't sell because there is nothing common about common sense.  LOL...yikes...I need to go look for a job!  ugh...

Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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