Monday, April 4, 2011

More Junk

My taxable income comes from a paltry wage that I earn at a gas bar.  I get the daily weather report from every customer, the odd complaint about the weather and once in awhile I get to have an intelligent conversation with someone - for about 10s.  I also get customers who come in talking on their phones and complete the entire transaction without saying hello (rude), people who have an opinion about the price of fuel and once in awhile a bit of a frustration at the cost of cigarettes. 

We sell a lot of "junk" in this place I call work..."energy drinks" are horribly over priced, pop is not, we sell milk too.  Ironically we sell a lot of milk mostly cuz people don't want to go inside the store and wait in line for 5 minutes to pay for a $5 item.  We sell a tonne of chips, chocolate bars, and the latest and greatest of course is donuts.  In this tiny cubicle we don't sell a lot of the donuts cuz they are bad for you.  I witnessed the other day a mother preferring a chocolate bar for her 5 year old daughter over a donut.  Calorie wise the donut had less but the sugar content was about the same, and the donut was cheaper.  I figure that if people will still continue to buy junk they will pay whatever price it is going to be. Tobacco and alcohol sales don't necessarily go down because they go up in price, they don't really change as a matter of fact and I think that junk would end up being the same.  People with defined addictions will do whatever they can to get what they need, children will continue to cry and embarass their parents in public because the "need" what they are asking for. 

There is an 90 something lady who walks to the cube that I work in every few days to buy cigarettes.  When the weather had turned exceptionally poor a family member had come in to buy them for her, she explained to us that this woman had actually quit smoking when she turned 80 and then as alzheimers had set in - she had forgotten that she had quit smoking and on a regular basis would walk several blocks to our establishment to make her big purchase of the week.  Family members buy them for her and slip them into her purse when she isn't looking to simply protect her from the fall.  Addiction is what it is - whether it be food, alcohol or tobacco and people will do whatever they can for their fix.  I find it incredibly disturbing that parents feed this addicition to children to keep them quiet (or whatever reason they do it)...I'm not picking on parents, I am one myself of 4 distinctly different personalites and they all have their daily demands.  Thankfully they don't ask for food as I haven't really encouraged it as a reward system.  I get it - parenting is tough...I just think that for all of the things that we have to pick on in society - we seriously need to reconsider our priorities and look at alternative methods to some of the financial strains that our medical system has on it because we can't say no to something so small - but makes us so big.  JMHO.  Thats it for today as I go off to earn my taxable income.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

When pop is cheaper than a jug of milk...

This thing has been driving me crazy lately, as the world talks about all the latest issues that are upfront and in the way of delivering proper health care services or whatever.  The one I think of childhood obesity and obesity in adults as well.

We all know that to eat healthy is a bit more expensive than eating convenience foods.  I think about how society attacked the dirty little secrets of alcoholism - jacking up the prices of booze, cigarette smoking and jacking up the prices per pack.  The cost of fuel to drive your car, the cost to heat your home - etc.  That stuff has all increased in price at a rapid rate.  They attack the smokers and make it prohibitive to continue as the cost of them continue to rise.  More people quit & for the ones who continue to smoke - they are made to feel like social pariah's as a result - not being allowed to indulge in their habit anywhere.  It is a stinky habit and I am not interested in debating the effects of others and cancer causing stuff as a result.  I know all that stuff.  What I am trying to get to is that the governments have put their hands in the pots of this particular issue...but they aren't doing anything about the actual cause of childhood obesity.  Isn't it the fact that junk food is cheaper than healthy food, video game consoles and their games are cheaper than organized sports for families of more than one child, and for the people who have to work two or three jobs just make ends meet never really see their kids. 

Obesity is a sensitive issue - I think that no one wants to be the one to say to people - "no".  Those two little letters that have so much power, they are so difficult to say - especially  to the kids.  (not in my world but for many others)  Taxing the bejesus out of junk food would certainly make it a lot more appealing to give your kid a banana instead of a chocolate bar, or realizing that the fastest food available is the stuff in the produce section.  I think it is so sad that a jug of milk costs the same as six litres of pop.  Real fruit juice is more expensive than a two litre of pop - the nutritional value is lost on the cost of the food.  Instead of buying the video game console, buy a bike or two and send them out to play.  Instead of driving the kids to school those few blocks, get them to walk.  It won't hurt certainly won't kill them or give them diabetes like those other things that we allow them to do. 

Why is it that no one will buck up and say something about how this "epidemic" can actually be stopped?  We live in an instant world, immediate gratification of the senses.  Cooking dinner can be a chore but most of the time I enjoy it and I prefer to cook from as natural a source as possible.  I like to know what I am giving my family to eat and at the end of the day I know that my kids are not obese, they are physically fit and they are happy. 

The burden on the health care system is astronomical, they talk about how people who drink in excess or smoke are the cause of this problem, obesity is on the rise and is one of the things that is frightening to the healthcare system - a bigger burden than most other things out there.  The really silly thing about all of this is that it is completely preventable (especially in children) but holding people accountable for their actions and pointing the preverbial finger at the people who buy this crap for their kids...well seriously - we don't wan to tell people how to parent their children.  However - keeping your kid in a carset till their 12, banning swings from playgrounds, slides and trampolines, making it "illegal" to spank your kids, and I could go on and on - all things that protect our kids so that they have a better chance of surviving their childhood unscathed. 

I am a bit of a hard ass on this but I just think it is really sad that the stuff that is good for you is for many too expensive and the cheaper alternative - which is not good for you - is for many the only option. 

Ban junk food - or if there is a problem with the national debt, underfunding for healthcare - tax the crap out of it - treat it the same as tobacco and alcohol - the effects are the same - or are they?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Free time has its moments....

I have found myself with some extra free time recently, I should be seeking employment but I am also enjoying the fact that I can catch up on a thing or two.  Like writing in my

I don't really consider myself a blogger but I do have a lot to say and very people who are willing to listen - so making this diary of verbal vomit public is kinda fun.  I started thinking about the people who seem to have a lot of free time and I wonder what they do with it.  I personally was considering cleaning out my office, then my kids rooms, moving over to the laundry room and just starting to declutter the house, my life, my world.  Then I looked at the hugeness of that job and changed my mind - saw the computer calling me and good ole FB was there.  It is so easy to be distracted when we want to be.  I haven't had the luxury of having a lot of free time in my life.  I have worked shift work, made some people, moved a few times and just busy keeping my head above most people I am thinking.  I am not really interested in decluttering today (mostly cuz I have a sore back - worse than usual) but am interested in pondering the idea of free time.  I loosely use the phrase "too much free time" when there are things in this world that aren't really looking to positive.  When people do stupid things (in my opinion - I percieve the world a little too black and white sometimes) that cause the discomfort of others or themselves - like standing in line to spend your money on tickets to some show or event.  I don't know who invented that but I seriously get offended that people expect me to stand in line for something that they should be making it comfortable for having the privelage of getting my money.  We look at things like this and take them for granted, not really realizing how much time we actually waste on things that are not relative to the progression of life.  We can create our own experiences and make it possible for the excitement of what ever that event can give you in other ways.  I also find it very interesting & confusing at the same time this fascination that people have with boxing day sales.  I have never really bothered with them because the flyers do nothing to convince me that it is worth my time to save a couple of hundred dollars when, because of how I value my time, I can wait an extra couple of weeks and know for darn sure that those items will be reduced even further and so there is no point.  I enjoy the "HOT DEALS" commercial where there is a dude that is teaching another dude the value of waiting - and that even at the "last minute" the deals are even better.  People seem to anticipate that there is some sort of urgency to an impending shortage of something...oddly enough we don't do that with food or water.  We don't treat our planet or other human beings with same urgency as a hot ticket sale, boxing day sale or what ever.  Our health and financial well being is not at the forefront of the urgency of long term care and wellness.  We are a society of right now pay later.  Drives me bonkers.  I was trying to buy something via telephone for my computer the other day (I have a proprietary lap top) and I don't have a credit card at the moment - I was trying to buy the thing COD.  They don't do that anymore - anywhere. is probably more reliable and definately easier to budget for than a credit card and interest payments.  Anyway...that was a weird tangent.  Free time is great because it invokes thought and process...we don't all really like what it produces at times...I am fairly frank with how I feel about a lot of things in this life...I am not at all interested in excuses and I feel so bad when I feel like I am making one about my situation - whatever it may be percieved to be.  Larry Winget says that life doesn't have to be difficult if we just follow the simple rules that were laid out for humanity at the beginning of time (I use that phrase loosely) - keep it simple.  They are fair and about integrity - not lying to ourselves about what we may or may not be entitled too.  I have considered writing a series of books on common sense stuff...but I realized it wouldn't sell because there is nothing common about common sense.  LOL...yikes...I need to go look for a job!  ugh...

Thanks for reading and have a great day!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Awww'll be ok.

I am on it again!  I am ruffling through the internet looking at random posts of this and that.  I subscribe to couple of online communities - most of them have mostly American content (very frustrating) and very little that is relevant to me or my situation, nothing really close to the mindset that I have about life and what it is all about.  My husband argues with me often - I would say - about how narrow minded I am, or how opinionated I am, how black and white I opinion is that the grey area is where all the trouble  This lack of accountability that people have towards what they are actually responsible for.  I am irritated today by the fact that there are parents out there who spend amazing amounts of money to fix their kids - with this unproven therapy or that unproven therapy - or they try something because it worked on their friends kid.  I don't know...why can't we be less focused on what is wrong with them and focus on what is right?  Why can't we focus on the good things of the world - ignore the shitty stuff - it isn't gonna go away - so what...why is it the responsibility of others to feed those who are not willing to feed themselves.  Go teach them how to fish and then they will have the means to feed themselves.  Teach them how to make do with what they have and then maybe we would have a little less homelessness, hunger, poverty and sickness - teach people how to take care of themselves, don't focus on the "problem"...homelessness gets more attention than people with disabilities who live on what the government gives them.  Habitat for Humanity doesn't build complexes for seniors who can barely afford to live in the oldest long term care facility in the city, those same people who sit in a hospital bed waiting for weeks just to get into a space that is even smaller than the one they just left.  Are charities misguided?  When donations are made to foreign aid organizations - did you know that 90 % of that money is allocated to whatever the donor believes that country or charitable group needs - they impress their belief system on a cause that maybe they know nothing about...they have their best interests in mind - I guess...but the money is wasted on things that maybe these organizations don't really need.  Schools don't make cooking and sewing a required course is statistically cheaper to buy clothes than to make them.  It is also statistically cheaper to eat fast food for one than it is buy food and cook it.

I read an interesting answer by an anonymous contributer about the labels that they are going to put on cigarette packages - covering 75% of the package with scary pictures about what people look like when they are dying from cigarette related diseases.  It not only cost our tax payers $4 million dollars for this ridiculous campaign - it is hypocritical - in my opinion.  If there is going to be so much time and effort put into stopping a health crisis they need to put an equal amount of effort in stopping this epidemic of obesity.  There should be scary pictures of a fat 2 year olds on pops and chips, cellulite on chocolate bars ... I could keep going but the point has been made.  We have a public out cry that says keep our kids safe from all of these external factors but we don't teach our kids how to be nice to each other, how to respect their own bodies and the bodies of others, we don't teach our children how to be tolerant of each other despite our differences physically, spiritually, culturally.  We hide our children eyes from the horrifically deformed child being pushed in a wheel chair to the local children hospital and do not offer an explanation to them.  In the same fell swoop we allow our children access to the most violent video games, movies and artificial entertainment available (and not so available) to them.

I am waiting for the day when the interference stops, people get a brain and quit whining about what everyone else has (or doesn't) and move on with your life - do the best that you can with what you have - stop blaming someone for the things that have happened to you - that makes you a victim...rise up.

This all started cuz I got some kids who are pretty great - one in particular who wakes up with a smile on his face every single day, he has no idea that people make fun of him behind his back ( I do and it makes me sad) , the main focus in his life is getting to play and have fun.  He doesn't always appreciate it when he can't have what he wants but he sure knows what he wants and he is really persistent.  There is no way on this earth that I would ever allow anything to ever happen to this little guy - but stuff will and I am willing to let him learn from some of it...and within his own capacity he will live in this world the way he was meant too.  I am teaching him that the people who don't get him - the ones who get angry at him for being himself, the ones who don't understand that he is a person too, well...most of them are just having a bit of a rough day and hopefully there is someone in their lives who love them enough to teach them how to have a good day , everyday no matter what.

My blogs are rambly...but so are my thoughts - I rarely get a word in edgewise when I have a conversation - if I get to talk - I don't get to is the way it is...I am good with most of it...even better when I get to sleep enough hours a night to make my day absolutely brilliant.  We are sitting an even "bright".

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The reflection of the mirror is different in the reflection

So as I sit here - fighting the big fight of life - protecting and caring for my children.  Keeping them safe and away from people who think they know what they are talking about.  People who use things like religion as a cop out for whatever it takes to make them feel better about their lives. 

I am a little cranky today.  I made a decision 13 and a half years ago to protect my children from the madness of a disease that nearly took their biological father from them.  It was something that I did not under any circumstances want my children to experience - the not knowing from one day to the next if their father would be alive or dead when they got home.  This decision has caused problems in my marriage, my relationships with my children and the relationship that I tried to form with their father.  He spent about 11 years getting his "crap" together - after he realized that this self piteous life that he was leading - instead of focusing on the things that the kids needed from him - he whallowed his sorrows in silliness - "why did you take them away?  why won't you let me see them?  why are you doing this to me?  Do you hate me that much that you would eternally use them to break my heart?"  I have listened to this for years and it finally stopped.  He found another person who was willing to listen to his story & take his side.  Someone who is equally entrenched in the grips of churchianity.  Using religion when it works and then not following the teachings when it isn't working for them at that moment.  I will not expose my children to such hypocrisy - I teach them tolerance & love not hate.  Still protecting them.  I found a blog that didn't particularily reference me by name but I knew that the person was talking about me.  Wow...I titled this as I did because the experience that we had together - the interpretation is completely different.  Silly me - I thought that caring and supporting this person for all of these years, raising his children, helping find a place to live, jobs, people to help him - all in vane.  Setting a good example to my kids that despite hurt in the past that you can move forward and still be friends with the ones that hurt you.  A simple misunderstanding would certainly do it.  Talking to the wrong people who don't have a clue...about life, love, family - raising kids with special needs and still finding the time in between to show some love to the ones that are typical.  I say this to the world in general and not just to those who used to be in my life and think they know what is going on inside my head or my heart because "God said so".  The role of a parent is to be there 100% all the time - in whatever capacity that it takes to keep your children safe, to teach them the way of the world and to give them the tools that they need to move on and move forward.  I do not believe in impressing a belief system onto my children that is my own when they haven't had all of their options put forward to them. 

I was disturbed by a bunch of Churchianic radicals who were saying things about Halloween and how they would rather celebrate life than death, that Halloween is evil and all of this crap and nonsense.  Halloween is a mockery of evil - and so it should be.  Or denying your kids the ability to have fun because you had a crappy experience at the same event last year.  I am being very sarcastic but I am really offended by the crap and nonsense that these people leak into my life.  I made the mistake of asking for help & well...the answer was "sucks to be you & no".  Back at ya babe!!! 

Why do people insist on wrecking all the fun out of life because of their experiences.  Their inability to be open minded.  The same people who believe that gay people are sinful - God doesn't make any mistakes - by the way.  God sends us the challenges that we need to move forward on the path that he has chosen for us - He does not intend for people to take the passages out of context & then apply it to whatever situation is suited too.  God teaches to love - not hate.  Why do think the world is in the state that it is in?  This silly need for instant gratification, this sense of entitlement for everything that is out there.  Come on people - and we pass this stuff down to children - all in the name of Churchianity!!! 

The reflection that I see looking back at me in the mirror is not the real story - people need to listen to the rational thoughts, be creative & quit latching on to whatever is out there to make you feel better about the "crappy" life you live.  There is a level of responsibility that we need to teach our kids and copping out is definatley not an option.  We need to grow creative, happy children, who have an open mind that allows them to love unconditionally - don't have to like everyone but tolerance is important.  Fear is the manifestation from ignorance and the refusal to grow a back bone and think for yourself - well that is almost the definition of insanity.  History repeats itself - that is insanity - people need to open their eyes & love each other - show the kids that it is ok to be different.  Put Churchianity to sleep & help grow a world of peace. 

I know that was incredibly random & difficult to follow - but I am mad - sick & tired of people making excuses.  Failure is not an option - I have a lot of people pulling on me & it is beginning to become harder & harder to hang on.  Let it go =0)