Wow - I can't believe that it has been so long since I last posted. Considering I was planning on doing this as a part of my daily 5. Back to it - starting today! What is on my mind ---hmmm. Well I will talk about the last few weeks - the crazy part about life is that you don't really realize how insanely busy you are until you talk about it.
Kids started school on September 1 - with that went its usual chaos. I actually forgot the dates and thought I had all this time to gather up school supplies and shoes and food for lunches. My kids are so great because they don't really complain all that much when I do mess up like that. They all went to school with whatever we had lying around and made it through their first day without it really being a problem. That night I had to drive to three different stores to find a particular notebook for my son and they were out - everywhere. I gave up and just told his teacher - whoops! Two short weeks in a row - sigh. The big kids settled in pretty good and my little man was a real trooper - only one day out of how ever many that he has been to school - did we have an issue. I am so glad that he has the same person to support him this year...she is so great and for the first time in six years I didn't get a call from the school to come and get him because he was "out of control". I am expecting a lot of firsts this little man has showed so much improvement already and I am hopeful that it will continue to get easier for him and for us. My older kids have grown up too. Went to a "meet the teacher" night at their school and all of the teachers were completely in love with my kids. I felt pretty proud of that - made me feel good about having to put up with all of the nonsense that I have had to for so long. They are awesome and I am so proud of them. The youngest little ringer is adjusting ok. She misses everyone when they are gone and doesn't leave anyone alone when they are there cuz she misses them. She has started to have accidents in her pants - she is either growing or she has security issues. We will have to address it gently either way.
Sounds pretty good so far. We are going through some consumer proposals right now. It feels weird walking away from "responsibility" but this particular type of responsibility is hurting my relationship with my family and my husband. It will be nice to not have to worry about money anymore and that we can just start living - and not pay check to pay check. It is a fine day when your kids ask you for something and you can say sure - lets go and pay cash. December 1 is the magic number. I just need to find a minivan before I give my car back - I don't like relying on my husband to drive me everywhere all the time. It cuts into his time and I want him to focus on his business. We have three years to save up and buy a house and keep the one we have for the kids. It will be a huge undertaking but I know that we will do it - somehow.
I think about the news and the crazy stuff that makes it to the news. The nonsense that is going on around the world right now and I know that I have nothing to complain about. I just want to be a part of the 10% that controls the wealth of 90% of the world. I don't want to ask for anything anymore. My husband gets upset with me because I don't ask for help, I don't think I should have to ask for help with the obvious. However it is usually only me that it is obvious to. I have another job again. Just a little 10 hours a week to help me replace my current wardrobe. I also want to start saving for my tummy tuck and I have a lot of other things that I want that I need to purchase and I gotta fix up my house. Where do I start! I know that I gotta start having fun again. I don't know what to do with my time if I am not working. I thought I could start sewing again but I have no where to do it. Part of living in a tiny house with a lot of people. I hope this isn't a whinny blog...I may not post this one to the public. It seems to me that maybe I am letting random thoughts out of my head so that I can focus on the tasks ahead. I gotta go track down a package now...until the next time.
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