I woke up this morning gasping for breath as a I realized that I had been trying to breath through my very plugged up nose. Gotta love the changing seasons for that but it is worth it for the beauty of it - I guess. I haven't blogged in a while. I have been very busy with working, kids, making ends meet, shopping, paying bills, etc. I have also managed to make the time to make sure that I hang out with my kids everyday - even if it is for 5 minutes. I am now working a second job to help cover off some extra costs of having teenagers and hoping to save a little to buy back the dreaded minivan.
I have some stuff to talk about today. I am struggling with the whole nonsense of attitude. I believe that everything you get is the result of your "hard work". Whatever that may mean in your world...what I don't get is when people ask why they don't have more than what they think they deserve because they somehow think that they are working hard. Well...the results show that you are getting paid what you are worth and it is clearly not satisfactory to you...so change it. I make about 75% of the household income. I also cover most of the household expenses. It doesn't leave a whole lot for me and so - I gotta figure out a way to make more money - if that is what I actually need to do. Maybe I need to trim back some other costs. Maybe I need to treat money a little differently than I do. I know that I need to save some for my future, I need to save some for that trip to Disneyland in May...but am I completely responsible for making the money and saving it? I am struggling with this...so where do I go from here. I work in the finance industry - I have the knowledge about what I should be doing but I don't necessarily have the means to do it right now. Should I wait until my kids are grown...that would put me at about 54 when I would have 10 years to save up a million dollars - give or take. My husband says that we need to get our business going so that we will have that to live on...well...it has been three years and our business has cost in total for the three years almost one years salary...crazy - I know but I do agree with him in a sense that it is a great opportunity but (heh...the big BUT) after three years and countless phone calls at what point to recognize that this one may not be it. I don't know...he is going to probably read this eventually and call me out...but the great thing about blogging is that you can muse about stuff and maybe find the answer somewhere later.
I look at my kids and hope that they learn from our example and don't end up being complete financial screw ups like their parents...and heaven forbid they should have to support us in anyway. I am pretty sure that they won't but the thought is in the back of my mind and I take this kind of thing pretty seriously.
I have a good thing to report...all the kids are doing amazing in school - DD #1 is averaging over 82% in all of her subjects, DS #1 is doing super awesome - except for the minor complications with his sperm donor but we are working through it. DS #2 has transitioned into the new school year with flying colors with only two days of non productivity as I like to call it. He has the best aid in the world and if it weren't for her and having her we would be having a repeat of the last 5 school year starts. Our baby DD #2 is turning three next week and she will no longer be a baby - she tells me that all the time tho - not a baby mamma just Jorja. These guys are the best things that I have done so far and the talent I inherited in making great people is definately an accomplishment. Get these guys raised up and on their way to the real world and well...me - I will enjoy watching them live. We will also be welcoming into our home a new addition with in the year - a red scruffy lab who will be M's buddy for life, to help keep him safe from himself and the nasty people around him. I look forward to this endeavor - I know that we will be hanging out with him sooner than later...which will be wonderful for the whole family. Not sure where this guy will fit in our small house but it could be worse...and we need more things to smile about - we will go out more and we will be able to manage the whole family with less help. That is what I am looking forward to...freedom!
Ramblings are done for today - my hands are getting a little crampy and I gotta book a flight to Atlanta for one of my charges. Cheers all...have a great day!
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