I woke up this morning with this absolute awareness that my life is going to go back to normal very soon. Kids are back in school in fifteen days and I am not near ready. School supplies, clothes, shoes and one or two of them might need a new back pack. Back to the thing with the lunches and the chores and having to pay for something unexpected or last minute because someone forgot their form at school. Has school become so commercialized that all of this "stuff" that they "need" is a percieved need vs want? I wonder why my 7 year old needs 20 pencils and 12 duotangs and 10 notebooks? I know that in elementary school the teachers pool the supplies because kids forget their stuff, lose their stuff or possibly eat the pencil because they are so bored with the current curriculum. There are great things about back to school, like if I take a mental health day that it will actually be quiet at home. The concerts, artwork that comes home on occassion, the stories that we hear...the bonus part is the odd phone call from the school telling me that my kid was absent - it took me forever to figure out that I had to call the school to let them know my kid was sick...that is what stops the irritating voice telling me that my kid was missing in school today. Some things make me completely crazy...fashion, trends, the cost of all of it. My older kids are constantly telling me that their friends don't have to do chores, that they get to play video games whenever they want, they get to go out to eat and they have the latest gadgets when it comes to phones, mp3 players etc. I think "wow" what do these people do for a living and they must be doing really well if they work full time and can afford a maid, personal shopper and the bill for all of the latest and greatest electronics that are out there. I don't see these people at the parent meetings or volunteering for field trips so that must be the case, I wonder when family time happens. I am a firm believer that you should sit down and eat dinner together at the table every day. No distractions. It's good time to check in and see how everyone is doing.
I had a revelation the other day...this is something that I noticed before but for some reason it is irritating me to no end and I wonder how completely unaccountable the world has become. I was watching the news lately and for some reason a lot of cars are crashing ...the news people always say that the car lost control and crashed into a pole...or whatever the incident was involving a vehicle...and that the driver was however they were affected. Now since when did cars have a mind of their own? I have noticed a lot of cars or trucks lately veering off the road, crashing into other vehicles or stalling and the driver is nowhere to be seen or heard from - apparently they are not at fault with the whole incident. Or how about this one...some one was stabbed by a knife - no assailant - just a knife. Now to my little guy - who has autism - he asks me one day if there is a problem with knives just jumping out at you out of no where and stabbing people. What am I supposed to tell him when the news reports it this way. It is a nice way of people escaping accountability until an investigation has been launched and evidence concludes as to whether or not someone was driving the car that met with a pole in a violent way. I am curious as to how people think this is ok...I need to think about this some more and comment on it another day I think. I better do some work now...sigh.
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