Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wednesday - Hump Day!

When I was a kid I always wondered why they called Wednesday "Hump Day" me it wasn't really the middle of the week cuz my week always started on Sunday - I figured that the middle was somewhere between Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning - considering the way my brain thinks I figured out that the general population didn't think like that and so...making it to Wednesday and surviving it meant that there was only a couple of more days until the weekend.  I have worked shift work most of my adult life and so weekends were not that special to me until my kids started getting bigger and wanting to go out and do things with their friends.  I  then realized that I was truly missing out on this mysterious thing called a weekend.  I started taking some of them off and couldn't figure out what all the fuss was about.  The stores are crammed with people who are trying to get all their shopping done, traffic is worse than Wednesday rush hour & there isn't really anything good on TV.  I wonder what people did when the stores closed at 6, weren't open on Sundays and closed early on Saturdays.  Did society really demand such a maniacal way of life that it is okay to drag your kids with you on the weekends from one errand to another, feed them junk food cuz that is what is quick and easy and depending on the weather - well there are those considerations too.  So I figured that I didn't want to waste my weekends with such nonsense.  I thought if I am going to have a life with weekends free that they would need to be meaningful and full of the sound of my children laughing, having a conversation about whatever or just renting a movie that we all want to see and watching it together.  I discovered that if you go grocery shopping first thing in the morning (most stores open @ 7 am) that the day old bagels are cheap, day old bread is 50 cents and there are some really good deals on the occasional pie.  I refuse to run errands on the weekends, the stores are dead on the weekdays between 6-9 and it is the best time to shop anywhere Tuesday - Thursday.  I remember a life when my family spent time together, we would get in the car and go and visit some relatives, eat too much and run around and play with my cousins.  My kids don't have any cousins per se but we certainly do have a big enough family that we could impress upon them the importance of staying in touch.  Leave the shopping to the evenings after work.  There is no need to stay home and watch TV - it really isn't that good for you and reach out and enjoy life.  I am still trying to master the times of everything but what I do know is that when my kids are in bed they don't know that I am not there shopping for groceries, getting school supplies or whatever we may need to get through the next day.  We turned off cable and the internet recently and it is very liberating.  I have access to the NET at work - that is good enough for me...I pay enough money a month to have the privileges I do here so there is really no point in paying for the same thing twice.  I am implementing Family Date Night once a week and my husband and I will also be doing date night, one on one time with every single on of our kids - it will be either me or him and as a result we will build a stronger family unit and building a legacy of family binding ourselves together forever with NO distractions.  Grassroots I think they call it...if we didn't have the NET I would probably be writing a weekly column in the newspaper.  Happy Wednesday all =)

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