Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday - Monday's little brother =0)

I always find Tuesdays to be even more busy than Monday's.  I think it is because of all things that flow into the next day that make it just a little more taxing.

I woke up this morning to the realization that summer is truly over.  We emptied our pool and threw it out - the ring had too many holes in it to keep up.  I decided that we would just use the city run pools instead and make an outing of it.  Good for the kids to get out of the house, get some exercise and have some good old fashioned. fun.

My 9th anniversary is tomorrow. Wow...where did nine years go?!  We started out with a ready made family and then we added a couple more.  Nothing like making things more fun - we have just started travelling again...getting away from it all so to speak.  I have no more money than I did nine years ago, I sure wish I had made some different decisions about a lot of things.  I have totally learned from those misguided decisions and I definitely know that there are some things that I wish I had learned when I was younger...I certainly would not be in the mess I am in - it isn't a huge mess but it is one of those irritating ones that no matter how much you sweep there is that dusty little line left on the floor.

My daughter is busy planning her birthday party for this Friday and she has decided she is going to go to the movies with some friends.  Originally it was a friend or two and now it seems to have exploded into something significantly larger and I worry that I won't be able to pay for it.  Whatever...one less bottle of wine for me I guess (jkg) - she deserves it and I am going to make sure that I can pull it off.  This great kid of mine who has been stuck babysitting for most of the summer and I can't even pay her what she is worth.  Ugh!  Her brother is out galavanting somewhere in Saskatchewan fishing, eating bad food and going to bed late - cuz he's a boy - or so I am told.  When she grows up I hope that she will be able to take with her some of the wisdom that she has learned from looking after her younger siblings.  Her baby sister looks up to her as her idol...they are the best of friends ... so far.  I pray that it stays that way.  My little man told me that he couldn't possibly sleep last night because there was too much to do...he didn't have time to sleep.  I think he was thinking that Scooby Doo and UnderDog would make a great movie together and he was putting the final touches on what his rendition would be..in his brain.  He is excited about going back to school...he thinks that he is going to have the same teacher....I told him that only his aid would be there and all of his friends from grade one.  He proudly announced to his Oma that he would be going into grade two finally after being in school for almost 5 years.  He doesn't know that he has been in school that long but he has no idea what life is like without it.  Maybe he will be a chronic education junkie like his father...filled with useless facts that won't make a paycheck...unless he were to work in a library.

I don't have a lot of insight to offer today...I think because I started blogging too late in the day and my mind has been filled with finance stuff, fund codes and I have visions of application forms swimming through my mind.  I also have to get the Business Presentation ready for tonight and then there is the further discussion of the big event for next week.  In between all that...I gotta get the kids school stuff ready - ack!  Tomorrow I go to Westlock for a networking event and I am booking a Princess House Party for October.  The list goes on and on and on ....

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